College loans are a huge issue for many students today! Students are graduating college and trying to find a job in a challenging economy which has created an enormously competitive environment. Companies are looking for much more than just a college degree from job applicants. One factor that is adding to the urgency of this […]
Read how one homeschool Mom is using SpeedyPrep to create her own dual credit program at home:
Testing Out…the best-kept secret in higher education is really catching on. Kudos to you for considering this faster and cheaper option for earning college credit. At SpeedyPrep, we know that people who pursue credit-by-examination with CLEP, DSST and ECE exams are: Brave Resourceful Pioneers Did we mention brave? It’s worth repeating because people who pursue […]
Jitters before taking a test is normal. In fact, that little burst of adrenaline makes the mind sharper, ready to tackle those questions. You may have test anxiety if symptoms are severe enough to interfere with your ability to read, understand, and correctly answer test questions. If you’ve experienced symptoms of test anxiety, take heart! […]
Do you ever wish that learning could be easier? Sometimes, it’s a struggle to get new information into your memory. Learning and studying become a drag when you just can’t seem to hold onto what you are learning. Your mind does not process information in a linear fashion, but that’s how you take notes. It […]
Last week, the education experts at SpeedyPrep discussed time boxing or blocking as a way to tackle your responsibilities and get them done. We discussed the benefits of this easy, highly effective practice. This week, we want to share some tips on how to time block/box so you get the most from it. We hope […]
Have you ever sat through an entire two-hour movie, even though you didn’t like it from the beginning? It’s an interesting phenomenon of human behavior that, once we start something, we tend to want to finish it. Even tasks we find unpleasant will be completed if we just start them. The same goes for the […]
In the SpeedyPrep blog, we talk about how CLEP. DSST, and ECE study guides and exams can help college students (even high school students) save money and time during their college careers. However, these aren’t the only folks who can benefit from these tests. Current and former military members are great candidates for testing out […]
Not everyone learns the same way. People have different learning styles, based on the way their minds process, absorb and store information. In a previous post, SpeedyPrep covered various learning styles. In this article, we’ll cover learning strategies you can try based on your learning style. Study Tips for Visual Learners Visual learners need to […]