It’s the start of a new semester. Are you ready to make the most of the next few precious months of your academic career? If you are, read on to make this semester of school the best yet. 1. Take a Look Back It’s not counter intuitive to look back before moving forward—at least […]
Welcome back to our blog series on preparing for essay questions! In our first blog, we addressed how SpeedyPrep does not include essay help in our CLEP test prep courses, but we’re able to offer some informal guidance here. We also talked about how there are a few CLEP exams that require essays, and several […]
For many college students, class lectures and assignments are a breeze. But when it comes time to study and take the test (or perhaps a CLEP Test), anxiety derails confidence, causes a number of physical and mental ailments, and lowers test scores. During midterm and the dreaded finals week, test anxiety can manifest itself in […]
Of all the tools in a student’s mental toolbox, memory is one of the most used… and least improved. Think about it. You’ve practiced reading and writing, but when was the last time you took a class on memory. Thankfully, you don’t need a class to improve your memory – just a couple of new […]
Juggling exams, assignments, and classes, not to mention any extracurriculars, can be a daunting task for even the brightest student. For the rest of us, we spend much of our college careers worrying about missing a deadline or if the nightmare comes to life trying to recover from a missed deadline. Thankfully, with […]
During the length of finals week you probably have two goals: Do well on your exams and keep stress to a minimum. Rather than turning to coffee and energy drinks, try these ten unusual strategies to study better and lower stress. #1 Exercise Vigorous exercise breaks can help relieve the stress that makes finals week […]
Many CLEP students I’ve talked to have had trouble finding good CLEP study guide material that actually prepares them to pass, so I thought I would share some of the best study resources with you today. This list is the result of trial and error by hundreds of actual students, so use it to kickstart […]
How can you make learning easy and effective? Contrary to popular opinion, textbooks and lectures might not be your best option. Whether you are taking a regular class or studying for a CLEP exam, you can greatly increase your productivity by planning a study schedule designed to compliment your particular learning style. Here are some […]