study group
7 Benefits of Study Groups
When learning in college, many students enjoy the benefits of study groups. In a well-run study group, members accelerate their learning as they talk through their subject, quiz each other, and compare notes. Read on to learn the advantages of group study. 1. Procrastination Solution Because study groups meet at regular times, attending students cannot [...]
Tips For Beating Procrastination, Part 2
In our last blog, the study guide experts at SpeedyPrep showed you a few ways you can overcome procrastination habits for less stress and more success. We’ll continue on that topic here, with even more ways to get your work done well before your deadline. Get someone to hold you accountable. Remember the last time […]
Starting The Semester Off Right
We hate to break it to you while you’re thinking about beaches and barbecues in the middle of summer—but the start of the fall semester is right around the corner! We’re positive that you’re excited to get back to homework, late nights, early mornings, and a great deal of studying—or at the very least, we […]